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Revision rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to address concerns that were either caused or not effectively remedied by a previous nose surgery. Also known as “secondary, or “corrective” rhinoplasty, this treatment can resolve complications or dissatisfaction with the initial nose surgery and produce an improved outcome. Dr. Christopher Godek is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has performed this complex procedure many times. In fact, due to Dr. Godek’s extensive expertise with nose surgery, patients in need of revision rhinoplasty in New Jersey are often referred to him by other surgeons in the community. Dr. Godek can evaluate your concerns and create a customized treatment plan designed to help you attain results that are more in keeping with your initial rhinoplasty goals.

“Dr. Godek is professional, caring, and really listens to what his patients want. I could not be more satisfied with my experience!”


Revision Rhinoplasty in New Jersey  Toms River

Who Is a Good Candidate for Revision Rhinoplasty?

When considering a Revision Rhinoplasty New Jersey patients who are in relatively good overall health and wish to address concerns from a previous rhinoplasty may find themselves suitable candidates for this procedure. It's important for patients to also have realistic expectations about the outcomes of this treatment.

At our practice in New Jersey revision rhinoplasty can address issues such as poor symmetry, results that do not look natural, outcomes that did not satisfactorily improve the cosmetic or functional goals of the initial surgery, persistent breathing difficulties, and other concerns. During your consultation with Dr. Godek, he will examine your nose and answer all of your questions about revision rhinoplasty. Our plastic surgeon typically recommends that patients do not have this procedure until a minimum of one year has passed since the previous rhinoplasty. This is to ensure that all swelling from the last surgery has resolved and the full and final outcome is apparent. Once you have been evaluated and have talked with Dr. Godek about your goals, he will determine whether you are an ideal candidate for revision rhinoplasty. If so, Dr. Godek can discuss the next steps and formulate a customized treatment plan.

How Is the Revision Rhinoplasty Procedure Performed?

In many cases, the incision locations that were utilized in the previous nose surgery can be used again for revision rhinoplasty, which minimizes the likelihood of additional scarring. With this in mind, some patients who had a closed rhinoplasty technique performed in the previous surgery may need an open rhinoplasty technique for the corrective procedure. In addition, a bone graft or cartilage taken from another body area may be required for this treatment. The overall approach Dr. Godek will use ultimately depends on the complexity of the concerns being addressed and what is best for each patient. He will make these determinations once the initial evaluation has been conducted and he will discuss all recommendations before the treatment plan is developed. 

During the revision rhinoplasty surgery, Dr. Godek will precisely reshape nasal structures to achieve the desired aesthetic or functional results. The length of time it takes to complete revision rhinoplasty procedures is usually about two to three hours depending on the patient’s needs, and the treatment is typically performed under general anesthesia in an outpatient setting.

What Can I Expect During Revision Rhinoplasty Recovery?

Recovery from revision rhinoplasty is very similar to the primary rhinoplasty process. A nasal splint to protect the nose’s new shape during the healing process will be removed about one week following surgery. Side effects such as swelling and bruising should fade within a few weeks; however, a mild degree of swelling (typically not very noticeable) will likely be present for several months. Most patients can return to normal routines after approximately one week. It’s important to avoid strenuous physical activity for several weeks until adequate healing has occurred.

Revision Rhinoplasty in New Jersey  Toms River

How Long Should I Wait Before Revision Rhinoplasty?

Dr. Godek usually advises patients to wait at least one year before having a second rhinoplasty. It’s typically best to wait until the swelling and inflammation from your original rhinoplasty have fully subsided. This allows patients to see the final results before determining whether they would like to go forward with a revision rhinoplasty procedure. With that in mind, every individual case is unique, and our rhinoplasty surgeon can assess your needs during the consultation and talk with you about the next steps.

How Long Will Swelling Last After Revision Rhinoplasty?

Swelling is a very common side effect of surgery and, similar to the time frame associated with the initial rhinoplasty, some degree of swelling will likely be present for a minimum of six months to one year. The majority of swelling should dissipate much sooner than that, with only a slight (and often barely noticeable) degree of swelling present after the first few weeks. The exact length of time for swelling to resolve is often different for each patient depending on the extent of the surgery, the thickness of the skin, and other factors. Our team will provide you with detailed post-operative guidelines that offer tips on how swelling can be controlled and measures you can take to ensure the safest, most efficient recovery possible.

What Will My Revision Rhinoplasty Scars Look Like?

For patients who had a primary rhinoplasty that utilized the open rhinoplasty technique, it is often possible to perform the revision rhinoplasty using the same incision locations, leading to virtually no scarring in addition to what was there before. Individuals who were provided with a closed rhinoplasty technique during the first procedure may need an open rhinoplasty during the revision surgery, which will lead to residual scarring. With that in mind, open rhinoplasty techniques typically utilize incisions in nasal areas with natural creases, allowing scars to blend in so well that they are often barely noticeable. Additionally, scars should fade over time. One of the major benefits of nose surgery is that it is generally a procedure that does not produce highly visible scars.

Revision Rhinoplasty in New Jersey  Toms River

What Can I Expect from the Results of Revision Rhinoplasty?

Much like the process with primary rhinoplasty, it takes time for the final results of revision rhinoplasty to fully appear. In fact, it can take up to a year or longer for all of the residual swelling to fade; however, the majority of swelling should dissipate within the first several weeks and months following the procedure. The effects of revision rhinoplasty should last a lifetime as long as proper care is taken to protect the nose from harm.

How Do I Find the Best Revision Rhinoplasty Surgeon for Me?

One of the most important things you can do as you search for the best revision rhinoplasty surgeon for your needs is to look for doctors who are board-certified. Those who are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery are those who have proven to have extensive levels of experience and skill with a wide range of plastic surgery procedures and have demonstrated a commitment to ethics and safety. Reviewing a potential surgeon’s educational background and professional history is also essential, and taking a look at before-and-after photos to see the results the doctor has achieved with previous patients can be helpful, as well. Finally, once your choices have been narrowed down, you can schedule an in-person consultation with a prospective surgeon to talk about your needs and evaluate your rapport. This can help you determine whether you feel confident and comfortable with the doctor’s overall approach to care.

What Does Revision Rhinoplasty Cost?

The cost of revision rhinoplasty is highly dependent on the individual treatment plan since this procedure is uniquely customized based on each patient’s needs and goals. The complexity of the procedure, facility and anesthesia fees, the surgeon’s fee, and other factors will all be taken into account for the final price. Once you meet with Dr. Godek for your initial consultation and the treatment plan has been developed, a member of our team can calculate the estimated cost of your revision rhinoplasty procedure. Our practice accepts a variety of payment options to make this step of the process as convenient as possible, including financing plans through PatientFi™ that can help qualified applicants pay for their revision rhinoplasty procedure in a series of installments. Do you have additional questions about revision rhinoplasty? Please contact Dr. Godek today for more information, or to schedule a consultation.

Revision Rhinoplasty in New Jersey  Toms River

Make The Change

Schedule your New Jersey Rhinoplasty consultation

To enhance the form and function of your nose, Dr. Christopher Godek and his team at Rhinoplasty New Jersey are unrivaled in the Tri-State area. Their dedication to detail and commitment to quality care will ensure you are comfortable and ready for a life-changing rhinoplasty. Schedule your consultation today. We look forward to answering any questions you may have!